Friday, June 3, 2011

Five Minute Friday: Everyday.

This blog idea is taken from The Gypsy Mama.

Would love to hear your version of this topic. Just leave a link to your blog :)

There is comfort in the everyday. The 7:30 wake up of my baby boy who needs his milk and to be cuddled by his momma. Toasting toast and the dripping sound of coffee in the pot. Sparkling up the counters so I can see the light from the window reflect upon it.

Nothing like the hum drum of the every day. The sound of the dryer as the sheets and bleached towels tangle and go thump thump. Messy toys around my feet, the little voice that laughs and pulls at my tangled hair. Those blue eyes that love me unconditionally just how our creator loves us too.

Ah the beauty of everyday. The cats lounge in the sunshine on the floor. Thoughts about when to start dinner and when to fold the laundry and still squeeze in a few minutes to finish that good book. Then spills on the floor and kisses for bumped heads. There are stories to be read cat tails to pull and dump trucks to be driven.

Dinner comes, trying to teach the little one to fold his hands and say Amen. Daddy horsey rides, bath time and bubbles. Spreading out on the living room floor with a heap of blankets and pillows. Enjoying being a family. The towels still not folded.

Ah the everyday.