Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Beautiful Things

I have not been able to articulate my thoughts and feelings into words lately so instead of putting that kind of pressure on myself I have decided to share some beautiful and inspiring things with you today.

I found out about these rugs by Amy Butler over at poppytalk and imagine filling my new home with them. Check out more rugs by Amy at

Love the constant flow of beautiful clothing from jcrew. Usually I don't buy clothes from here because the prices are a little high, but this season they have quite a few items that are splurge worthy and affordable.

I discovered an amazing photographer on Stephanie Levy's Artists Who Blog site called Bueller. Her photography is dreamy, ethereal, and simply stunning.

I think it is amazing how so much talent can be exposed and shared in this online world. I am inspired and lifted up daily by bloggers and artists who are able to showcase the talents of themselves and others. I hope you have a great Wednesday!


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

House Hunting

Now that I know we will be moving I have been on a search for the perfect house to dwell in. Of course my taste is greatly different from my husband's. He would prefer something new, with little or no work that needs to be put into it, that feels clean and never lived in. I on the other hand wish I could live in a house like this....

Something with a little more character and spirit. A house that has a history and charm, even if it was built in the early 1900's. Oh and I definitely need a front porch. After living with one I will never go back. Why is it that some people (like my husband) don't understand that love for old historical homes. It's not that he doesn't appreciate older structures, its just that he doesn't want to live in one. His fear of drafty windows, rotting walls, and possibly ghosts may be the part of the reason why. At least we agree on one thing, we would both rather live out in the country rather than in a subdivision. This gives me an inch up on him because it is more likely that homes built out in the boonies will be old and historical. Just what I like ;)